How to Allocate More RAM in Minecraft?
Increasing RAM storage will increase your gaming experience with Minecraft. Moreover, you will enjoy the enhanced performance of Minecraft gaming word. It will help you play, especially in the complex mods. Enhanced RAM storage will decrease crashes in gameplay.
If you want to improve the overall performance of Minecraft game, you will do it simply by just enhancing the RAM storage in Minecraft by starting the Minecraft launcher (different launchers are available; you can get them from the internet easily according to the mods that you are currently using. Minecraft launcher app is one of them and is used by you to launch and play Minecraft, hence modifying the Minecraft Forge profile and then adjusting and modulating the system variable.
Note: You are informed that allocating more RAM to Minecraft will work for the Minecraft Java edition only. It will not be workable for any other edition of Minecraft.
Check out the current amount of RAM in your computer
Before we start the process to enhance the RAM storage, it must be checked out how much RAM is currently in hold of computer. It’s crucial to check out the total amount of RAM on your computer because you can’t allocate more than half of the storage of your computer to Minecraft. Resultantly, it will slow down the PC for other operations. Here are two ways to check the current amount of RAM:
Method 1
Here is the complete and simple procedure to check out the current amount of RAM in your computer:
- Go to windows button> open the start menu
- Type system information in search bar> click on the system information app
- Under system summary > click on RAM
- The number you will find is your total RAM
Method 2
The second method to check the current amount of ram in computer is shortcut key.
Press ctrl + Alt + DELETE> click on task Manager in results> select performance from the task manager list.
Currently, how much RAM is used by Minecraft on PC?
You should check the current amount of RAM used by Minecraft. To understand why it is important to check, let’s post Minecraft like a bowl which is full of water. If you pour more water, it will overflow. Now, it is needed to enhance the size of bowl to have more water, likewise it is important to know how much RAM is being used and how more RAM is needed.
You can check out how much RAM is used by Minecraft currently from your PC. To check it:
- Open the game > press F3
- You will find a detailed overview > look in the top right corner > Read the MEM section only
- Here, you will find a percentage. If the percentage is close to 100%, it’s the perfect time to allocate more memory.
How much RAM should be allocated to Minecraft for playing?
An increase in the amount of RAM depends on how you are playing. When playing vanilla Minecraft (no mods), 2GB RAM is allocated by default. It should be increased to 3-5 GB. So, it will work smoothly and efficiently. But if you are playing with mods, 5-7GB RAM should be allocated for smoothly playing the game. These are two assumptions of RAM, when playing the game.
Why is it needed to increase RAM?
Minecraft provides various modes that add beauty to creativity, creativity to build, survive and enjoy. To enjoy these modes of game, more RAM is required because these modes require a large amount of data to load. In short, the more the modes are used the more the RAM is required.
How to allocate more RAM in the Java edition with the help of the Minecraft launcher app?
No, you are familiar with how much RAM is required, how much RAM is currently available, how much is being used by Minecraft and how much RAM we should use for the game.
The simplest way to allocate more RAM is described here:
- Go to Minecraft launcher app> Use sidebar at left-hand and select Minecraft Java Edition.
- In the page’s left top corner, there will be an Installation Tab. Click on it.
- From the list, search your release.
- Now click on the icon…
- A dropdown menu will be shown select. Edit from it.
- Go to “default Java edition release”.
- Many options will be shown on the edit installation page. Ignore them and go to more options. You will see a dropdown menu.
- Look for a text box JVM Arguments and click on -Xmx2G.
- No, replace 2 with the number that is required to allocate more RAM. For example, we write 4 in the place of 2 -Xmx2G will become -Xmx4G.
- Click “save”. You will find the save on the right side at the bottom of the app launcher’s page.
Allocation of RAM through the Curse Forge launcher
If you are using mods to play, there is a strong possibility that you may have installed the Curse Forge launcher.
- To allocate more RAM using the Curse Forge:
- Go to Curse Forge>click on setting icon located at the bottom left.
- From the left side list of games select Minecraft.
- Go to the Java settings and select Allocated Memory.
- Follow the same steps as written above to allocate more memory.
- Note: this process will work for the Curse Forge launcher
- If you want to increase RAM in vanilla Java, follow the same process as for the default launcher.