How to Create Paper in Minecraft?

Before discussing the paper in the Minecraft, let’s discuss what is Minecraft and what does it offer?

Minecraft is a sandbox video game in which you are allowed to create, build and survive; you may also play this game with your friends as it provides you with multiplayer features.

What is paper in Minecraft?

Paper was introduced in Minecraft’s versions in 2011. Minecraft’s paper is a useful item. It is one of the essential items of Minecraft and is used to craft and decor. It is important because it is used:

  • To create maps in the game
  • to create the map in the game, a compass is required. Using compass and a paper, you can create a map in the game.
  • To create books
  • you can create the books using paper and leather. You need three papers and leather to create a book or bookshelves.
  • To make fireworks
  • you can make fireworks through a combination of paper and gunpowder. Combine gunpowder, dyes and papers to create a more critical and complex fireworks.
  • To create decoration pieces for building
How to Create Paper in Minecraft?

Procedure to create paper in Minecraft

To enjoy the uses of paper in Minecraft, you must create them first. Then, you will be allowed to use these papers according to your choice within the available uses of papers in Minecraft.

Here is a complete guideline to create Minecraft paper easily and quickly:

  1. Find out the sugarcane
  2. Pick up sugarcane
  3. Prepare a crafting table
  4. Crafting the paper
  5. Pick up your paper

Now, we will learn the process in detail to make it even easier to make paper in Minecraft.

Step 1. Find out the sugarcane

Sugarcane is the primary material used to create paper in Minecraft. You should look for it near the lakes, rivers and even the ponds because these are the areas in the game where you can easily find it.

Step 2.  Pick up sugarcane

When you find the sugarcane, you must pick them up. To harvest the sugarcane, you should use the tools you have. Otherwise, simply use your hands. In actual, they are sugarcane blocks. So, when you pick them up, they provide you with the sugarcane blocks required to make the paper in the game.

Step 3. Prepare a crafting table

When you have collected sugarcane, your next step is to get access to a crafting table. If you don’t have a crafting table, you must create it by:

  • Collect woods
  • Go to your inventory
  • Place the woods in a 2×2 crafting grid.

Following these steps, your crafting table will be ready to create paper in the game.

Step 4. Crafting the paper

  • After setting up the crafting table > right-click on the table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.
  • Three or more sugarcanes can be placed in the horizontal row of the grid.
  • After placing the sugarcane on the table, you will have three paper sheets in the result box.

Step 5. Pick up your paper

  • Click the results box, and you will get the paper of the Minecraft.
  • Congratulations, you have created a paper in Minecraft successfully.
  • Now, you can use it to create books, decorate buildings and create maps.


If you enjoy games, have a creative sense and want to learn, then Minecraft is the best game with the feature to enhance your skills while playing. You must have the paper in Minecraft to create maps in your designed world, to décor your imaginary world in the game, and to create the books to put on shelves in game. You just must collect the sugarcane from areas like the areas near the river or lake, then put the sugarcane in the crafting box and get your paper.


1. Without sugarcane, can we make Minecraft paper?

Not yet; there is no other way to create a paper without sugarcane.

2. What are the requirements to create a paper in Minecraft?

You must have access to a crafting table and sugarcane to create the paper in Minecraft.

3. Can I write something on paper created in Minecraft?

yes, of course; once you have created the paper in the game, you can write on it, you can create a book, or you can use them to take notes in Minecraft gaming world.

4. What is the fastest way to create the paper in Minecraft?

The fastest way to create the paper in Minecraft is to harvest the fields of sugarcane in game. Use wet area or area near the water to harvest. In addition, don’t cut the sugarcanes from the roots; it will make them grow again.

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