Privacy Policy
Welcome to our website at our website we are committed to protecting your privacy and general information. The privacy policy of our website describes the whole detail of all information and data that we collect and use during your visit to our website. So, we declare that by using our website you agree to the terms of the privacy policy and you can discontinue if you do not agree to these terms.
We only use the data to improve our user experience and services for the betterment of users. So there is the following sort of information we collect during your online visits:
Information We Collects
We use the personal and tracking data to improve the quality of our website. In our privacy policy the terms ‘‘We’’, ‘‘Our Website’’, ‘‘the Company’’, ‘‘Us’’, and ‘‘Our’’ are used for the (website name). There is detailed information we collect:
Personal Information
When you visit our website, we collect personal data from our users. The personal information may be the user name, email address, IP address, and phone number. The other information is also collected that users share by submitting the forms or by contacting us.
Non-Personal Information
The non-personal data is collected to monitor the services of our website. Sometimes the data is also collected to contact users to provide special offers or services for service enhancement. The category of non-personal data includes the following collections from users:
- Browser type
- Referring URLs
- Usage pattern of users
- Operating System
Usage Data
The usage data lies under the section of information we automatically collect when users visit our websites or use our services. We access the information to detect the type of browser whether you are using our website by using mobile or web browser. Along with this information, we also collect the internet protocol addresses of users, browse versions, device unique ID, and the time and date of particular visits. Similarly, the total time a user spends on our site with their behaviors is also detected to access our interface and services.
How We Collect and Use Information
The data is collected in variations to improve our website and we collect the data through direct interaction and third-party sources. Additionally, automatic data collection is also considered by using tracking cookies to analyze the behavior of users. By their pattern, we can analyze their interests and choices.
The information is generally used to improve the engagement of a website and get more users through marketing and advertising campaigns. This information also helps in improving the personalized user experience to ensure the privacy, security, and goodness of the website. So, we use the information to maintain our website and provide the best user experience.
Collection of Cookies with Tracking Technology
Cookies are used to track the behavior of users and we can analyze the improved behavior of users by improving their personalized experience. We use the following cookies to boost our website performance:
Cookies Policy
The cookies policy on the website detects the users who have blocked and accepted the cookies. You can also set the priories for the cookies collection in the cookies setting of your device. If you refuse the use of cookies, some performance issues may appear and it delays the user experience.
Essential Cookies
Some cookies are essential to detect to help the user preference. By these cookies, we ensure to provide the relevant content and remember your information on your visits. Additionally, we can also detect spam users to prevent our website from spammy behaviors and it also improves the personalized user experience.
Children Privacy Policy
Our website does not collect the personal data from the children under the age of 13 years. Our website protects the children’s privacy. If we unknowingly collect the data from children under age, you can contact us for the deletion of data. As a parent, you should track the online activities of children to avoid the collection of their data.
Data Security & Data Retention
Your data is protected and we will not use it for illegal purposes. Moreover, in this electronic age, everyone should protect their digital privacy and use their files and data at their own risk. The user’s data is retained for a long time as we want, but in some cases, the data is frequently deleted for the security of users to avoid any hazardous activities.
The users also have the right to protect their data and you can contact us for the collection of your personal information. You can contact us to implement the following rights, such as:
- Deletion and collection of user’s data
- Restriction in access of cookies
- Data portability and correction of data
Sharing Your Information
In terms of our website, we do not sell the user’s information to other services and websites, and our information is collected for improvements. However, in some situations, we may share your personal data.
- The data may be shared for legal purposes due to government regulations and other security purposes.
- The collected may also shared with the advertising companies and service providers to show the relevant ads. We share the information on the base of obligatory protection of your data and privacy.
Third-Party Links
In some sections of our website, we may share the third-party links of other websites. These links are not our responsibility and we have no control over their policies and services. We suggest reading the privacy policy of external websites before you visit these links. We are not responsible for these external links.
Updates in Privacy Policy
We can also change the privacy policy of our website. You must frequently visit to check the changes in the privacy policy of the website. All updates in policy will be published on this page. However, by using our website you show that you are accepting our terms in privacy policy. You can also contact us for queries regarding the policies and changes in the privacy policy of our website.